Namespace Akavache
- Akavache
Http Mixin A set of methods associated with accessing HTTP resources for a blob cache.
- Bitmap
Image Mixin Provides extension methods associated with the IBitmap interface.
- Blob
Cache A class which represents a blobbed cache.
- Bulk
Operations Mixin Extension methods for the IBlob
Cache that provide bulk operations.
- Cache
Entry A entry in a memory cache.
- Default
Akavache Http Client Factory The default http client factory. Can be replaced with for example the Microsoft Http Client factory.
- Dependency
Resolver Mixin A set of mix-in associated with the IDependency
Resolver interface.
- Encryption
Provider Provides encryption for blob caching.
- Http
Mixin Extensions Set of extension methods that provide Http functionality to the IBlob
Cache interface.
- In
Memory Blob Cache This class is an IBlobCache backed by a simple in-memory Dictionary. Use it for testing / mocking purposes.
- Json
Serialization Mixin Set of extension methods associated with JSON serialization.
- Keyed
Operation Queue A key which has separate buckets for each key.
- Login
Info Stored login information for a user.
- Login
Mixin Helper methods that assist with login operations and storing related data.
- Protected
Data A shim to allow the use of protected data.
- Registrations
Setup registrations for the application.
- Relative
Time Mixin A set of extension methods that assist with setting expiration times based on increments from the current time.
- Simple
Filesystem Provider A wrapper around the file system.
- IAkavache
Http Client Factory A factory abstraction for a component that can create Http
Client instances with custom configuration for a given logical name.
- IAkavache
Http Mixin A interface that represents a mixin for providing HTTP functionality.
- IBlob
Cache IBlobCache is the core interface on which Akavache is built, it is an interface describing an asynchronous persistent key-value store.
- IBulk
Blob Cache A interface that handles bulk add/remove/invalidate functionality over many key/value pairs.
- IEncryption
Provider Provides the ability to encrypt and decrypt byte blocks.
- IFilesystem
Provider An abstraction for the simple file operations that an IBlobCache can perform. Create a new instance of this when adapting IBlobCache to different platforms or backing stores, or for testing purposes.
- IKeyed
Operation Queue A queue that uses keys to determine the queue operations.
- IObject
Blob Cache A BlobCache implementation that can handle objects.
- IObject
Bulk Blob Cache A BlobCache implementation that can handle bulk operations with objects.
- ISecure
Blob Cache This interface indicates that the underlying BlobCache implementation encrypts or otherwise secures its persisted content.
By implementing this interface, you must guarantee that the data saved to disk cannot be easily read by a third party.
- Data
Protection Scope The scope in which to store data stored by Protected
Data .