Once pull-requests have been merged into main
a new release is automatically generated and published to Nuget. There is nothing you need to do as the package identifier and library version is automatically incremented based upon our GitVersion configuration.
By design, no single person can release a new version of ReactiveUI without approval from one of the other contributors. The process is kicked off by one of the contributors opening up a pull-request from develop
to main
At this stage the contributor that is proposing a new release must perform a few administrative tasks. It's the responsibility of the release approver to verify that these tasks have been performed correctly. Both parties should jump into the ReactiveUI video chat room before proceeding any further.
Edit the vNext
milestone and change it to the version number of the next release. If this release contains a breaking change then increase the BREAKING
version by one and reset the MINOR
back to zero and keep the PATCH
at zero. Otherwise just bump the MINOR
version by one and keep the PATCH
at zero.
If process for merging individual pull-requests was followed perfectly then you won't need to do much here but in both parties need to verify that all issues that have been assigned to a milestone:
- Has a prefix which classifies the type of change and clearly explained what was changed because our release notes are automatically generated from this information.
- Have one label assigned (no, more until GitReleaseManager has been PR'ed to support multiple labels) to the GitHub issue which classifies the scope of change. GitReleaseManager will fail to automatically generate the release notes and the draft release in GitHub if any issue has no labels. If this happens, resolve this in GitHub and then re-run the merge commit build in AppVeyor.
Once the release has been approved, you'll need to merge your code.
Verify again that the GitHub milestone has been renamed from vNext to the appropriate version, as that will be the version of the software release.
When you merge, be sure to include a message that will cause the semver to be bumped appropriately. One of:
- +semver: breaking
- +semver: feature
Merging this pull-request into main
will kick off a new build on AppVeyor but the build pipeline is configured not to publish packages to unless the release has been tagged.
Once this build completes, a new draft release with automatically generated release notes will be available for you to polish and add any flair as needed.
Pressing the publish release button will stamp the repository with a git tag which the release version, overriding any automatic versioning strategies and trigger a new build which will be automatically published to
One final step remains, create a new vNext