Asynchronous Commands
Prefer using async ReactiveCommand
over the more basic ReactiveCommand
for all but the most simple tasks. In ReactiveUI, you should never put Interesting™ code inside the Subscribe block - Subscribe is solely to log the result of operations, or to wire up properties to other properties.
// In the view
this.BindCommand(ViewModel, vm => vm.Delete, v => v.deleteButton);
public class RepositoryViewModel : ReactiveObject
public RepositoryViewModel()
Delete = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromObservable(DeleteImpl);
Delete.IsExecuting.ToProperty(this, x => x.IsDeleting, out _isDeleting);
Delete.ThrownExceptions.Subscribe(ex => this.Log().ErrorException("Something went wrong", ex));
public ReactiveCommand<Unit, Unit> Delete { get; private set; }
readonly ObservableAsPropertyHelper<bool> _isDeleting;
public bool IsDeleting { get { return _isDeleting.Value; } }
public IObservable<Unit> DeleteImpl()
return Observable.Start(() => /* ... */);
// In XAML
<Button Command="{Binding Delete}" .../>
public class RepositoryViewModel : ReactiveObject
public RepositoryViewModel()
Delete = ReactiveCommand.Create();
// This will block the UI thread while DeleteImpl runs
Delete.Subscribe(async _ => await DeleteImpl());
// These will not do what you expect
Delete.IsExecuting.ToProperty(this, x => x.IsDeleting, out _isDeleting);
Delete.ThrownExceptions.Subscribe(ex => this.Log().ErrorException("Something went wrong", ex));
public ReactiveCommand<Unit, Unit> Delete { get; private set; }
readonly ObservableAsPropertyHelper<bool> _isDeleting;
public bool IsDeleting { get { return _isDeleting.Value; } }
public IObservable<Unit> DeleteImpl()
return Observable.Start(() => /* ... */);
A lot of the power of ReactiveCommand
comes from the async version. In the basic version the following features do not function as expected:
observable will not report on your asynchronous method when it is inside theSubscribe
will not catch anything.CanExecute
is not affected if the command is currently executing, leading to the possibilty of multiple execution at the same time.