Table of Contents

Source Generators and Fody, the easy way to create properties in ReactiveUI

If you are tired of writing boilerplate code for property change notifications, you can try one of the following:

These two libraries are both based on Fody - an extensible tool for weaving .NET assemblies, and they'll inject INotifyPropertyChanged code into decorated properties at compile time for you.

This library is a Source Generator that generates properties and commands for you. It is a new way to generate properties and commands for ReactiveUI taking decorated fields and methods and generating the properties and ReactiveCommands for you.

We recommend using ReactiveUI.SourceGenerators package that also handles ObservableAsProperyHelper properties and ReactiveCommands.

The manual way to create properties in ReactiveUI

Read-write properties

Typically properties are declared like this:

private string _name;
public string Name 
    get => _name;
    set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _name, value);

ObservableAsPropertyHelper properties

Similarly, to declare output properties, the code looks like this:

ObservableAsPropertyHelper<string> _firstName;
public string FirstName => _firstName.Value;

Then the helper is initialized with a call to ToProperty:

// firstNameObservable is IObservable<string>
_firstName = firstNameObservable
  .ToProperty(this, x => x.FirstName);

Using ReactiveUI.SourceGenerators

With ReactiveUI.SourceGenerators.

  • Minimum Requirements:
    • C# Version: 12.0
    • Visual Studio Version: 17.8.0
    • ReactiveUI Version: 19.5.31+

These Source Generators were designed to work in full with ReactiveUI V19.5.31 and newer supporting all features, currently:

  • [Reactive] With field and access modifiers, partial property support (C# 13 Visual Studio Version 17.12.0)
  • [ObservableAsProperty] With field, method, Observable property and partial property support (C# 13 Visual Studio Version 17.12.0)
  • [ObservableAsProperty(ReadOnly = false)] Removes readonly keyword from the generated helper field
  • [ObservableAsProperty(PropertyName = "ReadOnlyPropertyName")]
  • [ObservableAsProperty(InitialValue = "Default Value")] Only valid for partial properties using (C# 13 Visual Studio Version 17.12.0)
  • [ReactiveCommand]
  • [ReactiveCommand(CanExecute = nameof(IObservableBoolName))] with CanExecute
  • [ReactiveCommand(OutputScheduler = "RxApp.MainThreadScheduler")] using a ReactiveUI Scheduler
  • [ReactiveCommand(OutputScheduler = nameof(_isheduler))] using a Scheduler defined in the class
  • [ReactiveCommand][property: AttributeToAddToCommand] with Attribute passthrough
  • [IViewFor(nameof(ViewModelName))]
  • [RoutedControlHost("YourNameSpace.CustomControl")]
  • [ViewModelControlHost("YourNameSpace.CustomControl")]

Versions older than V19.5.31 to this:

  • All functions fully supported, except for [ReactiveCommand] all supported except Cancellation Token asnyc methods.

The Source Generators are not a direct replacement for ReactiveUI.Fody, but they can be used together. You can continue to use ReactiveUI.Fody and migrate to ReactiveUI.SourceGenerators at your own pace.

As fody operates at the IL level, it can be used to generate properties that directly replace the code you specified in the Property templates for [Reactive] and [ObservableAsProperty] properties. Source Generators add to your code instead of replacing it, so you we use fields and methods to generate the properties and commands.

The [Reactive] and [ObservableAsProperty] Attributes are applied to fields, and the Source Generator will generate the properties for you. [Reactive] will generate a property with a backing field and the RaiseAndSetIfChanged method. You can provide initialisers for the field. [ObservableAsProperty] will generate a property with a ObservableAsPropertyHelper backing field. Any initialisers will be passed through as a default value.

The [ReactiveCommand] Attribute is applied to methods, and the Source Generator will generate a ReactiveCommand property for you. The method can be one of the following

  • a void method,
  • a method with a return value,
  • a method with a return value and a parameter,
  • a method with a return value of Task.
  • a method with a return value of Task and a parameter,
  • a method with a return value of Task and a CancellationToken,
  • a method with a return value of Task and a parameter and a CancellationToken,
  • a method with a return value of Task of T.
  • a method with a return value of Task of T and a parameter,
  • a method with a return value of Task of T and a CancellationToken,
  • a method with a return value of Task of T and a parameter and a CancellationToken,
  • a method with a return value of IObservable,
  • a method with a return value of IObservable and a parameter.

Usage Reactive property [Reactive]

Usage Reactive property with field

using ReactiveUI.SourceGenerators;

public partial class MyReactiveClass : ReactiveObject
    private string _myProperty;

Usage Reactive property with set Access Modifier

using ReactiveUI.SourceGenerators;

public partial class MyReactiveClass : ReactiveObject
    [Reactive(SetModifier = AccessModifier.Protected)]
    private string _myProperty;

Usage Reactive property with property Attribute pass through

using ReactiveUI.SourceGenerators;

public partial class MyReactiveClass : ReactiveObject
    [property: JsonIgnore]
    private string _myProperty;

Usage Reactive property with initial value

using ReactiveUI.SourceGenerators;

public partial class MyReactiveClass : ReactiveObject
    private string _myProperty = "Default Value";

Usage Reactive property from partial property

Partial properties are supported in C# 13 and Visual Studio 17.12.0 and later. Both the getter and setter must be empty, and the [Reactive] attribute must be placed on the property. Override and Virtual properties are supported. Set Access Modifier is also supported on partial properties.

using ReactiveUI.SourceGenerators;

public partial class MyReactiveClass : ReactiveObject
    public partial string MyProperty { get; set; }

Usage ObservableAsPropertyHelper [ObservableAsProperty]

ObservableAsPropertyHelper is used to create a read-only property from an IObservable. The generated code will create a backing field and a property that returns the value of the backing field. The backing field is initialized with the value of the IObservable when the class is instantiated.

A private field is created with the name of the property prefixed with an underscore. The field is initialized with the value of the IObservable when the class is instantiated. The property is created with the same name as the field without the underscore. The property returns the value of the field until initialized, then it returns the value of the IObservable.

You can define the name of the property by using the PropertyName parameter. If you do not define the PropertyName, the property name will be the same as the field name without the underscore.

Usage ObservableAsPropertyHelper with Field

using ReactiveUI.SourceGenerators;

public partial class MyReactiveClass : ReactiveObject
    private string _myProperty = "Default Value";

    public MyReactiveClass()
        _myPrpertyHelper = MyPropertyObservable()
            .ToProperty(this, x => x.MyProperty);

    IObservable<string> MyPropertyObservable() => Observable.Return("Test Value");

Usage ObservableAsPropertyHelper with Observable Property

using ReactiveUI.SourceGenerators;

public partial class MyReactiveClass : ReactiveObject
    public MyReactiveClass()
        // default value for MyObservableProperty prior to initialization.
        _myObservable = "Test Value Pre Init";

        // Initialize generated _myObservablePropertyHelper
        // for the generated MyObservableProperty

    IObservable<string> MyObservable => Observable.Return("Test Value");

Usage ObservableAsPropertyHelper with Observable Property and specific PropertyName

using ReactiveUI.SourceGenerators;

public partial class MyReactiveClass : ReactiveObject
    public MyReactiveClass()
        // default value for TestValueProperty prior to initialization.
        _testValueProperty = "Test Value Pre Init";

        // Initialize generated _testValuePropertyHelper
        // for the generated TestValueProperty

    [ObservableAsProperty(PropertyName = TestValueProperty)]
    IObservable<string> MyObservable => Observable.Return("Test Value");

Usage ObservableAsPropertyHelper with Observable Property and protected OAPH field

using ReactiveUI.SourceGenerators;

public partial class MyReactiveClass : ReactiveObject
    [ObservableAsProperty(UseProtected = true)]
    private string _myProperty = "Default Value";

    public MyReactiveClass()
        _myPropertyHelper = MyPropertyObservable()
            .ToProperty(this, x => x.MyProperty);

    IObservable<string> MyPropertyObservable() => Observable.Return("Test Value");

Usage ObservableAsPropertyHelper with Observable Method

NOTE: This does not support methods with parameters

using ReactiveUI.SourceGenerators;

public partial class MyReactiveClass : ReactiveObject
    public MyReactiveClass()
        // Initialize generated _myObservablePropertyHelper
        // for the generated MyObservableProperty

    IObservable<string> MyObservable() => Observable.Return("Test Value");

Usage ObservableAsPropertyHelper with Observable Method and specific PropertyName

using ReactiveUI.SourceGenerators;

public partial class MyReactiveClass : ReactiveObject
    public MyReactiveClass()
        // Initialize generated _testValuePropertyHelper
        // for the generated TestValueProperty

    [ObservableAsProperty(PropertyName = TestValueProperty)]
    IObservable<string> MyObservable() => Observable.Return("Test Value");

Usage ObservableAsPropertyHelper with partial Property and a default value

Partial properties are supported in C# 13 and Visual Studio 17.12.0 and later. The getter must be empty and no setter defined (ReadOnly), and the [ObservableAsProperty] attribute must be placed on the property. Override and Virtual properties are supported. The readonly Modifier is also supported to set the Helper field not to be readonly. An InitialValue can be set to provide a default value for the property. This is a string value that will be passed through to the defined property until the Observable is initialized. The Partial property can be defined with different access modifiers other than public, such as protected and virtual.

using ReactiveUI.SourceGenerators;

public partial class MyReactiveClass : ReactiveObject
    public MyReactiveClass()
        // The value of MyProperty will be "Default Value" until the Observable is initialized
        _myPrpertyHelper = MyPropertyObservable()
            .ToProperty(this, nameof(MyProperty));
    [ObservableAsProperty(InitialValue = "Default Value")]
    public string MyProperty { get; }

    public IObservable<string> MyPropertyObservable() => Observable.Return("Test Value");

Usage ReactiveCommand [ReactiveCommand]

Note: InitializeCommands(); has been removed from the latest version of the Source Generators. This is now handled by the Source Generator.

Usage ReactiveCommand without parameter

using ReactiveUI.SourceGenerators;

public partial class MyReactiveClass
    private void Execute() { }

Usage ReactiveCommand with parameter

using ReactiveUI.SourceGenerators;

public partial class MyReactiveClass
    private void Execute(string parameter) { }

Usage ReactiveCommand with parameter and return value

using ReactiveUI.SourceGenerators;

public partial class MyReactiveClass
    private string Execute(string parameter) => parameter;

Usage ReactiveCommand with parameter and async return value

using ReactiveUI.SourceGenerators;

public partial class MyReactiveClass
    private async Task<string> Execute(string parameter) => await Task.FromResult(parameter);

Usage ReactiveCommand with IObservable return value

using ReactiveUI.SourceGenerators;

public partial class MyReactiveClass
    private IObservable<string> Execute(string parameter) => Observable.Return(parameter);

Usage ReactiveCommand with CancellationToken

using ReactiveUI.SourceGenerators;

public partial class MyReactiveClass
    private async Task Execute(CancellationToken token) => await Task.Delay(1000, token);

Usage ReactiveCommand with CancellationToken and parameter

using ReactiveUI.SourceGenerators;

public partial class MyReactiveClass
    private async Task<string> Execute(string parameter, CancellationToken token)
        await Task.Delay(1000, token);
        return parameter;

Usage ReactiveCommand with CanExecute

using ReactiveUI.SourceGenerators;

public partial class MyReactiveClass
    private IObservable<bool> _canExecute;

    private string _myProperty1;

    private string _myProperty2;

    public MyReactiveClass()
        _canExecute = this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.MyProperty1, x => x.MyProperty2, (x, y) => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(y));

    [ReactiveCommand(CanExecute = nameof(_canExecute))]
    private void Search() { }

Usage ReactiveCommand with property Attribute pass through

using ReactiveUI.SourceGenerators;

public partial class MyReactiveClass
    private IObservable<bool> _canExecute;

    private string _myProperty1;

    private string _myProperty2;

    public MyReactiveClass()
        _canExecute = this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.MyProperty1, x => x.MyProperty2, (x, y) => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(y));

    [ReactiveCommand(CanExecute = nameof(_canExecute))]
    [property: JsonIgnore]
    private void Search() { }

Usage IViewFor [IViewFor(nameof(ViewModelName))]

IViewFor usage

IVIewFor is used to link a View to a ViewModel, this is used to link the ViewModel to the View in a way that ReactiveUI can use it to bind the ViewModel to the View. The ViewModel is passed as a string to the IViewFor Attribute. The class must inherit from a UI Control from any of the following platforms and namespaces:

  • Maui (Microsoft.Maui)
  • WinUI (Microsoft.UI.Xaml)
  • WPF (System.Windows or System.Windows.Controls)
  • WinForms (System.Windows.Forms)
  • Avalonia (Avalonia)
  • Uno (Windows.UI.Xaml).
using ReactiveUI.SourceGenerators;

public partial class MyReactiveControl : UserControl
    public MyReactiveControl()
        MyReactiveClass = new MyReactiveClass();

Platform specific Attributes



using ReactiveUI.SourceGenerators.WinForms;

public partial class MyCustomRoutedControlHost;


using ReactiveUI.SourceGenerators.WinForms;

public partial class MyCustomViewModelControlHost;

Using ReactiveUI.Fody

With ReactiveUI.Fody, you don't have to write boilerplate code for getters and setters of read-write properties — the package will do it automagically for you at compile time. All you have to do is annotate the property with the [Reactive] attribute, as shown below.

ReactiveUI.Fody - Read-write properties

public string Name { get; set; }

Note ReactiveUI.Fody currently doesn't support inline auto property initializers in generic types. It works fine with non-generic types. But if you are working on a generic type, don't attempt to write code like public string Name { get; set; } = "Name";, this won't work as you might expect and will likely throw a very weird exception. To workaround this limitation, move your property initialization code to the constructor of your view model class. We know about this limitation and have a tracking issue for this.

ReactiveUI.Fody - ObservableAsPropertyHelper properties

With ReactiveUI.Fody, you can simply declare a read-only property using the [ObservableAsProperty] attribute, using either option of the two options shown below. One option is to annotate the getter of the property:

public string FirstName { [ObservableAsProperty] get; }

Another option is to annotate the property as a whole:

public string FirstName { get; }

The field will be generated and the property implemented at compile time. Because there is no field for you to pass to .ToProperty, you should use the .ToPropertyEx extension method provided by this library:

// firstNameObservable is IObservable<string>
firstNameObservable.ToPropertyEx(this, x => x.FirstName);

This extension will assign the auto-generated field for you rather than relying on the out parameter.

Note The generated getter for property of type T annotated with the [ObservableAsProperty] attribute will return default(T) in case if the property isn't yet initialized via a call to ToPropertyEx. To be more specific, the generated getter code looks somewhat like T PropertyName => oaph?.Value ?? default(T);, where oaph is a field of type ObservableAsProperty<T> which is generated by the compiler.