Table of Contents

Samples Repository

You can find a number of samples over in our sample repository.

Windows Presentation Framework

  • GitHub Extension for Visual Studio Ever noticed that little checkbox when installing Visual Studio to "Install GitHub for Visual Studio"? Yeah that extension is an enterprise grade application built with ReactiveUI and it's completely open-source. Includes unit tests!

  • Dynamic.Trader — illustrates how powerful DynamicData is. So so good.

  • ReactiveGit — an app covering all ReactiveUI features including type-safe data binding and routing.

Windows Forms

  • ReactiveUI.Winforms.Samples — a set of sample projects to quickly get started with ReactiveUI and Windows Forms. Includes Windows Forms routing and data binding example!

Universal Windows Platform

  • Camelotia — file manager for cloud storages, contains x:Bind and activation examples.

Xamarin Forms

Xamarin iOS

  • CodeHub — the most complete, unofficial, client for GitHub on the iOS platform.

  • CodeBucket — Bitbucket client app built with Xamarin.iOS and ReactiveUI.


  • Keyboard Switch - an application which switches typed text as if it were typed with another keyboard layout. KeyboardSwitch.Settings contains the views and KeyboardSwitch.Settings.Core contains the view models.

  • Radish — a cross-platform desktop client for Redis.

  • Camelotia — file manager for cloud storages built with ReactiveUI and Avalonia.

  • Egram — an unofficial crossplatform Telegram client written in C#, .NET Core and Avalonia.

Xamarin Android

Send in a pull-request linking to the source code of something you have built.

Xamarin Mac

Send in a pull-request linking to the source code of something you have built.


Send in a pull-request linking to the source code of something you have built.