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Class PropertyBindingMixins


This class provides extension methods for the ReactiveUI view binding mechanism.

public static class PropertyBindingMixins


BindTo<TValue, TTarget, TTValue>(IObservable<TValue>, TTarget?, Expression<Func<TTarget, TTValue?>>, object?, IBindingTypeConverter?)

BindTo takes an Observable stream and applies it to a target property. Conceptually it is similar to.

Subscribe(x => = x)
, but allows you to use child properties without the null checks.
public static IDisposable BindTo<TValue, TTarget, TTValue>(this IObservable<TValue> @this, TTarget? target, Expression<Func<TTarget, TTValue?>> property, object? conversionHint = null, IBindingTypeConverter? vmToViewConverterOverride = null) where TTarget : class


this IObservable<TValue>

The observable stream to bind to a target property.

target TTarget

The target object whose property will be set.

property Expression<Func<TTarget, TTValue>>

An expression representing the target property to set. This can be a child property (i.e. x.Foo.Bar.Baz).

conversionHint object

An object that can provide a hint for the converter. The semantics of this object is defined by the converter used.

vmToViewConverterOverride IBindingTypeConverter

An optional IBindingTypeConverter to use when converting from the viewModel to view property.



An object that when disposed, disconnects the binding.

Type Parameters


The source type.


The target object type.


The type of the property on the target object.

Bind<TViewModel, TView, TVMProp, TVProp>(TView, TViewModel?, Expression<Func<TViewModel, TVMProp?>>, Expression<Func<TView, TVProp>>, Func<TVMProp?, TVProp>, Func<TVProp, TVMProp?>)

Binds the specified view model property to the given view property.

public static IReactiveBinding<TView, (object? view, bool isViewModel)> Bind<TViewModel, TView, TVMProp, TVProp>(this TView view, TViewModel? viewModel, Expression<Func<TViewModel, TVMProp?>> vmProperty, Expression<Func<TView, TVProp>> viewProperty, Func<TVMProp?, TVProp> vmToViewConverter, Func<TVProp, TVMProp?> viewToVmConverter) where TViewModel : class where TView : class, IViewFor


view TView

The instance of the view to bind.

viewModel TViewModel

The instance of the view model to bind.

vmProperty Expression<Func<TViewModel, TVMProp>>

An expression indicating the property that is bound on the view model. This can be a chain of properties of the form. vm => vm.Foo.Bar.Baz and the binder will attempt to subscribe to changes on each recursively.

viewProperty Expression<Func<TView, TVProp>>

The property on the view that is to be bound. This can be a chain of properties of the form. view => view.Foo.Bar.Baz and the binder will attempt to set the last one each time the view model property is updated.

vmToViewConverter Func<TVMProp, TVProp>

Delegate to convert the value of the view model's property's type to a value of the view's property's type.

viewToVmConverter Func<TVProp, TVMProp>

Delegate to convert the value of the view's property's type to a value of the view model's property's type.


IReactiveBinding<TView, (object view, bool isViewModel)>

An instance of IDisposable that, when disposed, disconnects the binding.

Type Parameters


The type of the view model being bound.


The type of the view being bound.


The type of the property bound on the view model.


The type of the property bound on the view.

Bind<TViewModel, TView, TVMProp, TVProp>(TView, TViewModel?, Expression<Func<TViewModel, TVMProp?>>, Expression<Func<TView, TVProp>>, object?, IBindingTypeConverter?, IBindingTypeConverter?)

Binds the specified view model property to the given view property.

public static IReactiveBinding<TView, (object? view, bool isViewModel)> Bind<TViewModel, TView, TVMProp, TVProp>(this TView view, TViewModel? viewModel, Expression<Func<TViewModel, TVMProp?>> vmProperty, Expression<Func<TView, TVProp>> viewProperty, object? conversionHint = null, IBindingTypeConverter? vmToViewConverterOverride = null, IBindingTypeConverter? viewToVMConverterOverride = null) where TViewModel : class where TView : class, IViewFor


view TView

The instance of the view to bind.

viewModel TViewModel

The instance of the view model to bind.

vmProperty Expression<Func<TViewModel, TVMProp>>

An expression indicating the property that is bound on the view model. This can be a chain of properties of the form. vm => vm.Foo.Bar.Baz and the binder will attempt to subscribe to changes on each recursively.

viewProperty Expression<Func<TView, TVProp>>

The property on the view that is to be bound. This can be a chain of properties of the form. view => view.Foo.Bar.Baz and the binder will attempt to set the last one each time the view model property is updated.

conversionHint object

An object that can provide a hint for the converter. The semantics of this object is defined by the converter used.

vmToViewConverterOverride IBindingTypeConverter

An optional IBindingTypeConverter to use when converting from the viewModel to view property.

viewToVMConverterOverride IBindingTypeConverter

An optional IBindingTypeConverter to use when converting from the view to viewModel property.


IReactiveBinding<TView, (object view, bool isViewModel)>

An instance of IDisposable that, when disposed, disconnects the binding.

Type Parameters


The type of the view model being bound.


The type of the view being bound.


The type of the property bound on the view model.


The type of the property bound on the view.

Bind<TViewModel, TView, TVMProp, TVProp, TDontCare>(TView, TViewModel?, Expression<Func<TViewModel, TVMProp?>>, Expression<Func<TView, TVProp>>, IObservable<TDontCare>?, Func<TVMProp?, TVProp>, Func<TVProp, TVMProp?>, TriggerUpdate)

Binds the specified view model property to the given view property.

public static IReactiveBinding<TView, (object? view, bool isViewModel)> Bind<TViewModel, TView, TVMProp, TVProp, TDontCare>(this TView view, TViewModel? viewModel, Expression<Func<TViewModel, TVMProp?>> vmProperty, Expression<Func<TView, TVProp>> viewProperty, IObservable<TDontCare>? signalViewUpdate, Func<TVMProp?, TVProp> vmToViewConverter, Func<TVProp, TVMProp?> viewToVmConverter, TriggerUpdate triggerUpdate = TriggerUpdate.ViewToViewModel) where TViewModel : class where TView : class, IViewFor


view TView

The instance of the view to bind.

viewModel TViewModel

The instance of the view model to bind.

vmProperty Expression<Func<TViewModel, TVMProp>>

An expression indicating the property that is bound on the view model. This can be a chain of properties of the form. vm => vm.Foo.Bar.Baz and the binder will attempt to subscribe to changes on each recursively.

viewProperty Expression<Func<TView, TVProp>>

The property on the view that is to be bound. This can be a chain of properties of the form. view => view.Foo.Bar.Baz and the binder will attempt to set the last one each time the view model property is updated.

signalViewUpdate IObservable<TDontCare>

An observable, that when signaled, indicates that the view property has been changed, and that the binding should update the view model property accordingly.

vmToViewConverter Func<TVMProp, TVProp>

Delegate to convert the value of the view model's property's type to a value of the view's property's type.

viewToVmConverter Func<TVProp, TVMProp>

Delegate to convert the value of the view's property's type to a value of the view model's property's type.

triggerUpdate TriggerUpdate

The trigger update direction.


IReactiveBinding<TView, (object view, bool isViewModel)>

An instance of IDisposable that, when disposed, disconnects the binding.

Type Parameters


The type of the view model being bound.


The type of the view being bound.


The type of the property bound on the view model.


The type of the property bound on the view.


A dummy type, only the fact that signalViewUpdate emits values is considered, not the actual values emitted.

Bind<TViewModel, TView, TVMProp, TVProp, TDontCare>(TView, TViewModel?, Expression<Func<TViewModel, TVMProp?>>, Expression<Func<TView, TVProp>>, IObservable<TDontCare>?, object?, IBindingTypeConverter?, IBindingTypeConverter?, TriggerUpdate)

Binds the specified view model property to the given view property, and provide a custom view update signaller to signal when the view property has been updated.

public static IReactiveBinding<TView, (object? view, bool isViewModel)> Bind<TViewModel, TView, TVMProp, TVProp, TDontCare>(this TView view, TViewModel? viewModel, Expression<Func<TViewModel, TVMProp?>> vmProperty, Expression<Func<TView, TVProp>> viewProperty, IObservable<TDontCare>? signalViewUpdate, object? conversionHint = null, IBindingTypeConverter? vmToViewConverterOverride = null, IBindingTypeConverter? viewToVMConverterOverride = null, TriggerUpdate triggerUpdate = TriggerUpdate.ViewToViewModel) where TViewModel : class where TView : class, IViewFor


view TView

The instance of the view to bind.

viewModel TViewModel

The instance of the view model to bind.

vmProperty Expression<Func<TViewModel, TVMProp>>

An expression indicating the property that is bound on the view model. This can be a chain of properties of the form. vm => vm.Foo.Bar.Baz and the binder will attempt to subscribe to changes on each recursively.

viewProperty Expression<Func<TView, TVProp>>

The property on the view that is to be bound. This can be a chain of properties of the form. view => view.Foo.Bar.Baz and the binder will attempt to set the last one each time the view model property is updated.

signalViewUpdate IObservable<TDontCare>

An observable, that when signaled, indicates that the view property has been changed, and that the binding should update the view model property accordingly.

conversionHint object

An object that can provide a hint for the converter. The semantics of this object is defined by the converter used.

vmToViewConverterOverride IBindingTypeConverter

An optional IBindingTypeConverter to use when converting from the viewModel to view property.

viewToVMConverterOverride IBindingTypeConverter

An optional IBindingTypeConverter to use when converting from the view to viewModel property.

triggerUpdate TriggerUpdate

The trigger update direction.


IReactiveBinding<TView, (object view, bool isViewModel)>

An instance of IDisposable that, when disposed, disconnects the binding.

Type Parameters


The type of the view model being bound.


The type of the view being bound.


The type of the property bound on the view model.


The type of the property bound on the view.


A dummy type, only the fact that signalViewUpdate emits values is considered, not the actual values emitted.

OneWayBind<TViewModel, TView, TProp, TOut>(TView, TViewModel?, Expression<Func<TViewModel, TProp?>>, Expression<Func<TView, TOut>>, Func<TProp, TOut>)

Binds the specified view model property to the given view, in a one-way (view model to view) fashion, with the value of the view model property mapped through a selector function.

public static IReactiveBinding<TView, TOut> OneWayBind<TViewModel, TView, TProp, TOut>(this TView view, TViewModel? viewModel, Expression<Func<TViewModel, TProp?>> vmProperty, Expression<Func<TView, TOut>> viewProperty, Func<TProp, TOut> selector) where TViewModel : class where TView : class, IViewFor


view TView

The instance of the view to bind to.

viewModel TViewModel

The instance of the view model to bind to.

vmProperty Expression<Func<TViewModel, TProp>>

An expression representing the property to be bound to on the view model. This can be a child property, for example x => x.Foo.Bar.Baz in which case the binding will attempt to subscribe recursively to updates in order to always get the last value of the property chain.

viewProperty Expression<Func<TView, TOut>>

An expression representing the property to be bound to on the view. This can be a child property, for example x => x.Foo.Bar.Baz in which case the binding will attempt to subscribe recursively to updates in order to always set the correct property.

selector Func<TProp, TOut>

A function that will be used to transform the values of the property on the view model before being bound to the view property.


IReactiveBinding<TView, TOut>

An instance of IDisposable that, when disposed, disconnects the binding.

Type Parameters


The type of the view model that is bound.


The type of the view that is bound.


The type of the property bound on the view model.


The return type of the selector.

OneWayBind<TViewModel, TView, TVMProp, TVProp>(TView, TViewModel?, Expression<Func<TViewModel, TVMProp?>>, Expression<Func<TView, TVProp>>, object?, IBindingTypeConverter?)

Binds the given property on the view model to a given property on the view in a one-way (view model to view) fashion.

public static IReactiveBinding<TView, TVProp> OneWayBind<TViewModel, TView, TVMProp, TVProp>(this TView view, TViewModel? viewModel, Expression<Func<TViewModel, TVMProp?>> vmProperty, Expression<Func<TView, TVProp>> viewProperty, object? conversionHint = null, IBindingTypeConverter? vmToViewConverterOverride = null) where TViewModel : class where TView : class, IViewFor


view TView

The instance of the view object which is bound. Usually, it is the. this instance.

viewModel TViewModel

The view model that is bound. It is usually set to the ViewModel property of the view.

vmProperty Expression<Func<TViewModel, TVMProp>>

An expression indicating the property that is bound on the view model. This can be a chain of properties of the form. vm => vm.Foo.Bar.Baz and the binder will attempt to subscribe to changes on each recursively.

viewProperty Expression<Func<TView, TVProp>>

The property on the view that is to be bound. This can be a chain of properties of the form. view => view.Foo.Bar.Baz and the binder will attempt to set the last one each time the view model property is updated.

conversionHint object

An object that can provide a hint for the converter. The semantics of this object is defined by the converter used.

vmToViewConverterOverride IBindingTypeConverter

An optional IBindingTypeConverter to use when converting from the viewModel to view property.


IReactiveBinding<TView, TVProp>

An instance of IDisposable that, when disposed, disconnects the binding.

Type Parameters


The type of the view model.


The type of the view.


The type of view model property.


The type of the property bound on the view.