Table of Contents

Namespace ReactiveUI



Helper extension method class associated with the AutoPersist related functionality.


Short To String Type Converter.


This class implements View Activation for classes that explicitly describe their activation via ICanActivate. This class is used by the framework.


Mixin associated with the DynamicData IChangeSet class.

CombinedReactiveCommand<TParam, TResult>

Encapsulates a composite user interaction.


Various helpers to bind View controls and ViewModel commands together.


Used by the CommandBinder extension methods to handle binding View controls and ViewModel commands.


Convenience class to help chain selectors onto existing parent comparers.


Class that registers Command Binding and Command Parameter Binding.


This binder is the default binder for connecting to arbitrary events.


Decimal To String Type Converter.


Default implementation for IViewLocator. The default ViewModelToViewFunc behavior is to replace instances of "View" with "ViewMode" in the Fully Qualified Name of the ViewModel type.


Extension methods associated with the IMutableDependencyResolver interface.


Double To String Type Converter.


A suspension driver that does not do anything. Useful potentially for unit testing or for platforms where you don't want to use a Suspension Driver.


The default converter, simply converts between types that are equal or can be converted (i.e. Button => UIControl).


Extension methods associated with the Expression class.


Generates Observables based on observing INotifyPropertyChanged objects.


Generates Observables based on observing Reactive objects.


Extension methods associated with the IReactiveObject interface.


Integer To String Type Converter.


Provides methods to bind Interaction<TInput, TOutput>s to handlers.


This class provides extension methods for the ReactiveUI view binding mechanism.

InteractionContext<TInput, TOutput>

Contains contextual information for an interaction.

Interaction<TInput, TOutput>

Represents an interaction between collaborating application components.


A attribute to indicate if the target is localizable or not.


Integer To String Type Converter.


MessageBus represents an object that can act as a "Message Bus", a simple way for ViewModels and other objects to communicate with each other in a loosely coupled way.

Specifying which messages go where is done via a combination of the Type of the message as well as an additional "Contract" parameter; this is a unique string used to distinguish between messages of the same Type, and is arbitrarily set by the client.


Short To String Type Converter.


Decimal To String Type Converter.


Double To String Type Converter.


Integer To String Type Converter.


Integer To String Type Converter.


Short To String Type Converter.


Single To String Type Converter.


A collection of helpers to aid working with observable properties.


ObservableAsPropertyHelper is a class to help ViewModels implement "output properties", that is, a property that is backed by an Observable. The property will be read-only, but will still fire change notifications. This class can be created directly, but is more often created via the OAPHCreationHelperMixin extension methods.


Observable Func Mixins.


Extension methods to assist with Logging.


Extension methods associated with observables.

ObservedChange<TSender, TValue>

A data-only version of IObservedChange.


A collection of helpers for IObservedChange<TSender, TValue>.


Convenience class providing a starting point for chaining comparers for anonymous types.


Convenience class providing a starting point for chaining comparers.


This class is the final fallback for WhenAny, and will simply immediately return the value of the type at the time it was created. It will also warn the user that this is probably not what they want to do.


Class that represents the platform registration for ReactiveUI.


A mock platform registration for the .Net Standard. It will fire an exception since we need a target platform to run.


Provides methods to bind properties to observables.


This class provides extension methods for the ReactiveUI view binding mechanism.


Encapsulates a user action behind a reactive interface.

ReactiveCommandBase<TParam, TResult>

A base class for generic reactive commands.


Extension methods associated with the ReactiveCommand class.

ReactiveCommand<TParam, TResult>

Encapsulates a user interaction behind a reactive interface.


Extension methods associated with the Observable Changes and the Reactive Notify Property Changed based events.


ReactiveObject is the base object for ViewModel classes, and it implements INotifyPropertyChanged. In addition, ReactiveObject provides Changing and Changed Observables to monitor object changes.


Event arguments for when a property has changed. Expands on the PropertyChangedEventArgs to add the Sender.


Event arguments for when a property is changing.


Reactive Property Extensions.


ReactiveProperty - a two way bindable declarative observable property with imperative get set.


ReactiveObject is the base object for ViewModel classes, and it implements INotifyPropertyChanged. In addition, ReactiveObject provides Changing and Changed Observables to monitor object changes.


Helper class for handling Reflection amd Expression tree related items.


The main registration for common classes for the Splat dependency injection. We have code that runs reflection through the different ReactiveUI classes searching for IWantsToRegisterStuff and will register all our required DI interfaces. The registered items in this classes are common for all Platforms. To get these registrations after the main ReactiveUI Initialization use the DependencyResolverMixins.InitializeReactiveUI() extension method.


Extension methods associated with the IRoutableViewModel interface.


RoutingState manages the ViewModel Stack and allows ViewModels to navigate to other ViewModels.


Extension methods associated with the RoutingState class.


The main registration point for common class instances throughout a ReactiveUI application.


A subject which dispatches all its events on the specified Scheduler.


Short To String Type Converter.


Indicates that this View should be constructed once and then used every time its ViewModel View is resolved. Obviously, this is not supported on Views that may be reused multiple times in the Visual Tree.


Single To String Type Converter.


Calls ToString on types. In WPF, ComponentTypeConverter should win instead of this, since It's Betterâ„¢.


Extension methods associated with the ISuspensionHost interface.


Indicates that an object implementing IHandleObservableErrors has caused an error and nothing is attached to ThrownExceptions to handle that error.

UnhandledInteractionException<TInput, TOutput>

Indicates that an interaction has gone unhandled.


Allows an additional string to make view resolution more specific than just a type. When applied to your IViewFor<T> -derived View, you can select between different Views for a single ViewModel instance.


A set of extension methods to help wire up View and ViewModel activation.


Helper class which will get the currently registered IViewLocator interface inside the Splat dependency injection container.


An exception that is thrown if we are unable to find the View Locator.


ViewModelActivator is a helper class that you instantiate in your ViewModel classes in order to help with Activation. Views will internally call this class when the corresponding View comes on screen. This means you can set up resources such as subscriptions to global objects that should be cleaned up on exit. Once you instantiate this class, use the WhenActivated method to register what to do when activated.

View Activation is **not** the same as being loaded / unloaded; Views are Activated when they *enter* the Visual Tree, and are Deactivated when they *leave* the Visual Tree. This is a critical difference when it comes to views that are recycled, such as UITableViews or Virtualizing ScrollViews.

Create this class solely in the **Base Class** of any classes that inherit from this class (i.e. if you create a FooViewModel that supports activation, the instance should be protected and a child BarViewModel should use the existing ViewModelActivator).

NOTE: You **must** set up Activation in the corresponding View when using ViewModel Activation.


This scheduler attempts to deal with some of the brain-dead defaults on certain Microsoft platforms that make it difficult to access the Dispatcher during startup. This class wraps a scheduler and if it isn't available yet, it simply runs the scheduled item immediately.


Extension methods associated with the WhenAny/WhenAnyValue classes.


A mixin which provides support for subscribing to observable properties.



Use this Interface when you want to mark a control as receiving View Activation when it doesn't have a backing ViewModel.


Implementing this interface on a ViewModel indicates that the ViewModel is interested in Activation events. Instantiate the Activator, then call WhenActivated on your class to register what you want to happen when the View is activated. See the documentation for ViewModelActivator to read more about Activation.


Implement this interface to override how ReactiveUI determines when a View is activated or deactivated. This is usually only used when porting ReactiveUI to a new UI framework.


This interface is the extensible implementation of IValueConverters for Bind and OneWayBind. Implement this to teach Bind and OneWayBind how to convert between types.


This Interface is used by the framework to explicitly provide activation events. Usually you can ignore this unless you are porting RxUI to a new UI Toolkit.


Convenience interface for providing a starting point for chaining comparers.


Classes that implement this interface and registered inside Splat will be used to potentially provide binding to a ICommand in the ViewModel to a Control in the View.


ICreatesObservableForProperty represents an object that knows how to create notifications for a given type of object. Implement this if you are porting RxUI to a new UI toolkit, or generally want to enable WhenAny for another type of object that can be observed in a unique way.


This interface is implemented by RxUI objects which are given IObservables as input - when the input IObservables OnError, instead of disabling the RxUI object, we catch the IObservable and pipe it into this property.

Normally this IObservable is implemented with a ScheduledSubject whose default Observer is RxApp.DefaultExceptionHandler - this means, that if you aren't listening to ThrownExceptions and one appears, the exception will appear on the UI thread and crash the application.


Implementation logic for Interaction<TInput, TOutput> binding.

IInteractionContext<TInput, TOutput>

Contains contextual information for an interaction.

IInteraction<TInput, TOutput>

Represents an interaction between collaborating application components.


IMessageBus represents an object that can act as a "Message Bus", a simple way for ViewModels and other objects to communicate with each other in a loosely coupled way.

Specifying which messages go where is done via a combination of the Type of the message as well as an additional "Contract" parameter; this is a unique string used to distinguish between messages of the same Type, and is arbitrarily set by the client.

IObservedChange<TSender, TValue>

IObservedChange is a generic interface that is returned from WhenAny() Note that it is used for both Changing (i.e.'before change') and Changed Observables.

IOutputContext<TInput, TOutput>

Gives the ability to get the output.


Additional details implemented by the different ReactiveUI platform projects.


This interface represents an object that is capable of providing binding implementations.


Implement this as a way to intercept bindings at the time that they are created and execute an additional action (or to cancel the binding).

IReactiveBinding<TView, TValue>

This interface represents the result of a Bind/OneWayBind and gives information about the binding. When this object is disposed, it will destroy the binding it is describing (i.e. most of the time you won't actually care about this object, just that it is disposable).


Encapsulates a user action behind a reactive interface. This is for interop inside for the command binding. Not meant for external use due to the fact it doesn't implement ICommand to force the user to favor the Reactive style command execution.

IReactiveCommand<TParam, TResult>

Encapsulates a user action behind a reactive interface. This is for interop inside for the command binding. Not meant for external use due to the fact it doesn't implement ICommand to force the user to favor the Reactive style command execution.


IReactiveNotifyPropertyChanged represents an extended version of INotifyPropertyChanged that also exposes typed Observables.


A reactive object is a interface for ViewModels which will expose logging, and notify when properties are either changing or changed. The primary use of this interface is to allow external classes such as the ObservableAsPropertyHelper to trigger these events inside the ViewModel.


IReactivePropertyChangedEventArgs is a generic interface that is used to wrap the NotifyPropertyChangedEventArgs and gives information about changed properties. It includes also the sender of the notification. Note that it is used for both Changing (i.e.'before change') and Changed Observables.


Reactive Property.


Implement this interface for ViewModels that can be navigated to.


IScreen represents any object that is hosting its own routing - usually this object is your AppViewModel or MainWindow object.


This converter will allow users to change the way the set functionality is performed in ReactiveUI property binding.


ISuspensionDriver represents a class that can load/save state to persistent storage. Most platforms have a basic implementation of this class, but you probably want to write your own.


ISuspensionHost represents a standardized version of the events that the host operating system publishes. Subscribe to these events in order to handle app suspend / resume.


This base class is mostly used by the Framework. Implement IViewFor<T> instead.


Implement this interface on your Views to support Routing and Binding.


Implement this to override how RoutedViewHost and ViewModelViewHost map ViewModels to Views.



The type of binding that the ReactiveBinding represents.


Platforms or other registration namespaces for the dependency resolver to consider when initializing.


Trigger Update.