Interface IReactiveNotifyPropertyChanged<TSender>
- Namespace
- ReactiveUI
- Assembly
- ReactiveUI.dll
IReactiveNotifyPropertyChanged represents an extended version of INotifyPropertyChanged that also exposes typed Observables.
public interface IReactiveNotifyPropertyChanged<out TSender>
Type Parameters
The sender type.
- Extension Methods
Gets an Observable that fires after a property has changed. Note that this should not fire duplicate change notifications if a property is set to the same value multiple times.
IObservable<IReactivePropertyChangedEventArgs<out TSender>> Changed { get; }
Property Value
- IObservable<IReactivePropertyChangedEventArgs<TSender>>
Gets an observable that fires before a property is about to be changed. Note that this should not fire duplicate change notifications if a property is set to the same value multiple times.
IObservable<IReactivePropertyChangedEventArgs<out TSender>> Changing { get; }
Property Value
- IObservable<IReactivePropertyChangedEventArgs<TSender>>
When this method is called, an object will not fire change notifications (neither traditional nor Observable notifications) until the return value is disposed.
IDisposable SuppressChangeNotifications()
- IDisposable
An object that, when disposed, reenables change notifications.