Namespace Splat
- ActionLogger
A logger where you pass in Action delegates that will be invoked when the Write methods are invoked.
- AllocationFreeLoggerBase
Base class for a logger the provides allocation free logging.
- AppCenterFeatureUsageTrackingSession
Feature Usage Tracking Client for AppCenter.
- AppCenterViewTracking
View Tracking integration for AppCenter.
- ApplicationInsightsViewTracking
View Tracking integration for Application Insights.
- BitmapLoader
This class loads and creates bitmap resources in a platform-independent. way.
- BitmapLoaderException
A exception that occurs when there is a problem using or retrieving the IBitmapLoader.
- ConsoleLogger
A logger which will send messages to the console.
- DebugLogger
A logger which will send messages to the debug logger.
- DefaultLogManager
The default log manager provided by splat. This log manager will cache the loggers for each type, This will use the default registered ILogger inside the Locator.
- DefaultModeDetector
Contains the default mode detector to detect if we are currently in a unit test.
- DefaultPlatformModeDetector
Detects if we are in design mode or unit test mode based on the current platform.
- DependencyResolverMixins
A set of extension methods that assist with the IDependencyResolver and IMutableDependencyResolver interfaces.
- ExceptionlessFeatureUsageTrackingSession
Feature Usage Tracking integration for Exceptionless.
- ExceptionlessViewTracking
Exceptionless View Tracking integration.
- FullLoggerExtensions
Provides extension methods to the IFullLogger interface.
- FuncDependencyResolver
A simple dependency resolver which takes Funcs for all its actions. GetService is always implemented via GetServices().LastOrDefault(). This container is not thread safe.
- FuncLogManager
A log manager which will generate the IFullLogger by using the specified Func.
- Locator
A Locator which will host the container for dependency injection based operations.
- LogHost
Contains helper methods to get access to the Default IFullLogger.
- LogManagerMixin
Extension methods associated with the logging module.
- LoggingException
A exception that occurs when there is a problem using the logging module.
- MemoizingMRUCache<TParam, TVal>
This data structure is a representation of a memoizing cache - i.e. a class that will evaluate a function, but keep a cache of recently evaluated parameters.
Since this is a memoizing cache, it is important that this function be a "pure" function in the mathematical sense - that a key *always* maps to a corresponding return value.
- ModeDetector
A helper class which detect if we are currently running via a unit test or design mode.
- ModernDependencyResolver
This class is a dependency resolver written for modern C# 5.0 times. It implements all registrations via a Factory method. With the power of Closures, you can actually implement most lifetime styles (i.e. construct per call, lazy construct, singleton) using this.
Unless you have a very compelling reason not to, this is the only class you need in order to do dependency resolution, don't bother with using a full IoC container.
This container is not thread safe.
- NullLogger
a logger which will never emit any value.
- NullServiceType
Null Service Type.
- PlatformModeDetector
Detects various properties about a platform.
- PointMathExtensions
Extension methods which extend the point mathematics.
- RaygunFeatureUsageTrackingSession
Feature Usage Tracking integration for Raygun.
- RectangleMathExtensions
Extension methods to help with operations associated with the RectangleF struct.
- ResolverMixins
Resolver Mixins.
- SerilogFullLogger
A full wrapping logger over Serilog.
- ServiceLocationInitialization
Initialization logic for Splat interacting with Dependency Resolvers.
- SizeMathExtensions
Extension methods to assist with the SizeF struct.
- StaticFullLogger
A full logger which used by the default static logger to allow capture of .NET framework caller data. Wraps a IFullLogger.
- TargetFrameworkExtensions
Extension methods that help to get the target framework for a assembly.
- WrappingFullLogger
A full logger which wraps a ILogger.
- WrappingLogLevelLogger
A prefix logger which wraps a ILogger.
- WrappingPrefixLogger
A prefix logger which wraps a ILogger.
- SplatColor
A platform independent color structure.
- IAllocationFreeErrorLogger
An allocation free exception logger which wraps all the possible logging methods available. Often not needed for your own loggers. A WrappingFullLogger will wrap simple loggers into a full logger.
- IAllocationFreeLogger
An allocation free logger which wraps all the possible logging methods available. Often not needed for your own loggers. A WrappingFullLogger will wrap simple loggers into a full logger.
- IBitmap
Represents a bitmap image that was loaded via a ViewModel. Every platform provides FromNative and ToNative methods to convert this object to the platform-specific versions.
- IBitmapLoader
Represents the platform-specific image loader class. Unless you are testing image loading, you don't usually need to implement this.
- IDependencyResolver
Represents a dependency resolver, a service to look up global class instances or types.
- IEnableLogger
"Implement" this interface in your class to get access to the Log() Mixin, which will give you a Logger that includes the class name in the log.
- IFullLogger
A full logger which wraps all the possible logging methods available. Often not needed for your own loggers. A WrappingFullLogger will wrap simple loggers into a full logger.
- ILogManager
A manaager which will generate a IFullLogger for the specified type.
- ILogger
Represents a log target where messages can be written to.
- IModeDetector
Detects if unit tests or design mode are currently running for the current application or library.
- IMutableDependencyResolver
Represents a dependency resolver where types can be registered after setup.
- IPlatformModeDetector
Detects properties about the current platform.
- IReadonlyDependencyResolver
An interface for interacting with a dependency resolver in a read-only fashion.
- IStaticFullLogger
Represents the logging interface for the Static Default Logger.
- CompressedBitmapFormat
Specifies that compressed bitmap format.
- RectEdge
Specified which edge of a rectangle to use.