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Class ModernDependencyResolver


This class is a dependency resolver written for modern C# 5.0 times. It implements all registrations via a Factory method. With the power of Closures, you can actually implement most lifetime styles (i.e. construct per call, lazy construct, singleton) using this.

Unless you have a very compelling reason not to, this is the only class you need in order to do dependency resolution, don't bother with using a full IoC container.

This container is not thread safe.

public class ModernDependencyResolver : IDependencyResolver, IReadonlyDependencyResolver, IMutableDependencyResolver, IDisposable
Extension Methods
WhenAnyMixin.WhenAny<TSender, TRet, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12>(TSender?, Expression<Func<TSender, T1>>, Expression<Func<TSender, T2>>, Expression<Func<TSender, T3>>, Expression<Func<TSender, T4>>, Expression<Func<TSender, T5>>, Expression<Func<TSender, T6>>, Expression<Func<TSender, T7>>, Expression<Func<TSender, T8>>, Expression<Func<TSender, T9>>, Expression<Func<TSender, T10>>, Expression<Func<TSender, T11>>, Expression<Func<TSender, T12>>, Func<IObservedChange<TSender, T1>, IObservedChange<TSender, T2>, IObservedChange<TSender, T3>, IObservedChange<TSender, T4>, IObservedChange<TSender, T5>, IObservedChange<TSender, T6>, IObservedChange<TSender, T7>, IObservedChange<TSender, T8>, IObservedChange<TSender, T9>, IObservedChange<TSender, T10>, IObservedChange<TSender, T11>, IObservedChange<TSender, T12>, TRet>)



Initializes a new instance of the ModernDependencyResolver class.

public ModernDependencyResolver()

ModernDependencyResolver(Dictionary<(Type serviceType, string? contract), List<Func<object?>>>?)

Initializes a new instance of the ModernDependencyResolver class.

protected ModernDependencyResolver(Dictionary<(Type serviceType, string? contract), List<Func<object?>>>? registry)


registry Dictionary<(Type serviceType, string contract), List<Func<object>>>

A registry of services.



public void Dispose()


Disposes of all managed memory from this class.

protected virtual void Dispose(bool isDisposing)


isDisposing bool

If we are currently disposing managed resources.


Generates a duplicate of the resolver with all the current registrations. Useful if you want to generate temporary resolver using the WithResolver(IDependencyResolver, bool) method.

public ModernDependencyResolver Duplicate()



The newly generated ModernDependencyResolver class with the current registrations.

GetService(Type?, string?)

Gets an instance of the given serviceType. Must return null if the service is not available (must not throw).

public object? GetService(Type? serviceType, string? contract = null)


serviceType Type

The object type.

contract string

A optional value which will retrieve only a object registered with the same contract.



The requested object, if found; null otherwise.

GetServices(Type?, string?)

Gets all instances of the given serviceType. Must return an empty collection if the service is not available (must not return null or throw).

public IEnumerable<object> GetServices(Type? serviceType, string? contract = null)


serviceType Type

The object type.

contract string

A optional value which will retrieve only objects registered with the same contract.



A sequence of instances of the requested serviceType. The sequence should be empty (not null) if no objects of the given type are available.

HasRegistration(Type?, string?)

Check to see if a resolvers has a registration for a type.

public bool HasRegistration(Type? serviceType, string? contract = null)


serviceType Type

The type to check for registration.

contract string

A optional contract value which will indicates to only generate the value if this contract is specified.



Whether there is a registration for the type.

Register(Func<object?>, Type?, string?)

Register a function with the resolver which will generate a object for the specified service type. Optionally a contract can be registered which will indicate that registration will only work with that contract. Most implementations will use a stack based approach to allow for multile items to be registered.

public void Register(Func<object?> factory, Type? serviceType, string? contract = null)


factory Func<object>

The factory function which generates our object.

serviceType Type

The type which is used for the registration.

contract string

A optional contract value which will indicates to only generate the value if this contract is specified.

ServiceRegistrationCallback(Type, string?, Action<IDisposable>)

Register a callback to be called when a new service matching the type and contract is registered.

When registered, the callback is also called for each currently matching service.

public IDisposable ServiceRegistrationCallback(Type serviceType, string? contract, Action<IDisposable> callback)


serviceType Type

The type which is used for the registration.

contract string

A optional contract value which will indicates to only generate the value if this contract is specified.

callback Action<IDisposable>

The callback which will be called when the specified service type and contract are registered.



When disposed removes the callback.

UnregisterAll(Type?, string?)

Unregisters all the values associated with the specified type and contract.

public void UnregisterAll(Type? serviceType, string? contract = null)


serviceType Type

The service type to unregister.

contract string

The optional contract value, which will only remove the value associated with the contract.

UnregisterCurrent(Type?, string?)

Unregisters the current item based on the specified type and contract.

public void UnregisterCurrent(Type? serviceType, string? contract = null)


serviceType Type

The service type to unregister.

contract string

The optional contract value, which will only remove the value associated with the contract.